Groupe SEB sells 6 products every second around the world. Its history stretches back 150 years, initiated by a tinker called Antoine Lescure who, by setting up his tin workshop in 1857 in Selongey (France), laid the first brick in the building. Here are the key dates in the company's history :
New Year resolutions are fun to make, but extremely difficult to keep for a time period as long as a complete year. Most of us make resolutions, like to lose weight, reboot diet and a lot more, but are unable to follow them throughout the year. Roughly 3 out of 10 of us continue on the New Year resolutions. But this time, let’s make 2016 your healthiest year yet! Here’re a few healthy resolutions that you can make to boost your health and well-being, and be an inspiration to others:
Part of living a healthy life is finding a joy in it. Going into extreme diets, exercises or detox practices could harm your body in the other way. So, this New Year, make a resolution to quit smoking and cut back on alcohol as these are the safest ways that would help you detox your body. These two acts will not only help you save cash but will also keep you miles away serious life threatening diseases. The best way to do it would be, talk to a real person who has actually gone through the entire detox cycle, learn from his experience and plan your cycle your way!
This is not about losing weight, but restarting your diet both physically as well as mentally. It’s more about to pamper yourself a little. But this time you don’t need to cut on your taste to get on a healthy mode. our electric kettle,sandwich maker and Pop-up Toasternow.
This year, take a few steps ahead towards greener environment. This can be accomplished by adopting the environment-friendly choices that would not only take you towards a greener environment, but also a healthy lifestyle. Walk or ride your bike to your work or explore carpooling. It means more money in your pocket and less air pollution. Also, you can cut back on your pocket-heavy gym membership costs by exercising at home. Gymming has only physical benefits which are shortlived. Whereas, home workouts offer you mental stimulation and have a more long-lasting effect.
The joys and rewards of vacations are long lasting even after your travel bags are put away. It’s true that travelling allows us to tap into life as fun, adventure and we can bring these changes in our lives without doing anything too dramatic. This new year, make yourself rejuvenated and replenished by planning a trip with your loved ones full of fun, adventurous games like trekking, para gliding, river rafting and much more. It’s another form of new discovery and learning, and is amazing, not only for your body and but also for your soul.
It is true that happiness is the best solution to stay healthy and fit. We tend to think that our own bliss relies on bettering ourselves, but it is a fact that our happiness also lies in helping others. In 2016, make a resolution to help needy people and bring smiles to them. Doing things whether small, regular volunteering or unplanned acts is one of the best ways to boost our own happiness as well as of those around us. Giving is not just about donating money, it can be just as simple as a single kind word, thoughtful gesture or a charming smile.
Pick any of these worthy resolutions and make this year a healthier one for you. Let us know in the comments section below that how you find these New Year’s resolutions and which one out of these are you going to make. For more info, you can reach us on or tweet at @MWhiteline.
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